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The Pounding Effect Cleaning NAP: LOA's last missing piece?

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 6:30 pm
by Merlin
No matter what we say, the LOA is VERY SIMPLE.

To get a goal, you must match the vibration of the parallel reality where you have that goal. To match that vibration, you need to change your beliefs and to do that, you need to add Positive Beliefs (PBs) that will raise your vibration and remove Limiting Beliefs (LBs) that lowers or maintain your low vibration and will rise in vibration and one day *BOOM* that goal will be in your hands.

How to add a PB?

Nothing simpler than that. You do what we call a Goal NAP which is usually a 1-5 line NAP telling your Subconscious Mind (SM) what you want to manifest...

Ex: "You now make an extra $500/week"

How to remove a LB? this is where it gets complicated. Well it's not that's it's complicated because it's the same method to add a PB which is to create a NAP telling your SM to remove this or that LB that stop you from manifesting _____ but it's just that we haven't yet figured out which line(s) to use and how long to listen to it so that ALL our Limiting Beliefs are GONE....PERMANENTLY.

We have tested A LOT of Cleaning NAPs since I started this concept back in 2010...

- Short term (10 days) Cleaning NAPs
- Medium term (21-30 days) Cleaning NAPs
- Long term (6+ months non-stop) Cleaning NAPs
- A Mix of Cleaning NAP and Letting Go like the 10-10 format (10 days of NAP, then 10 days of no NAPs).

Introducing Dr. Nelson Emotion Code Healing Technique

Dr. Bradley Nelson created a revolutionary healing technique called The Emotion Code by testing it with his clients. At first, he thought that 50% of the pain that his clients had was caused by what he calls "Trapped Emotions" (TEs) but now he believes that TEs are the cause of pain by over 95%.

So what is a "Trapped Emotion"?

First of all, you need to know that the human heart creates a toroidal field on every heart beat sending out a magnetic field containing emotions.


According to Dr. Nelson, when we feel the same emotion often or when the emotion was VERY STRONG, it could be trapped inside the body like shown here...


This baseball size emotional magnetic ball creates a magnetic field that disrupt the flow of energy in the body creating pain.

According to Nelson, when the body is under stress, some small cracks can appear in the energetic field around the body and this is where those Trapped Emotions (TEs) can come in and hide inside creating pain in that area.

He then says that to remove that TE, you need to access the Subconscious Mind (SM) because only the SM knows when and where those TEs have been attached to the body and can release them.

Trapped Emotions Filling In The Holes Left By Removed Limiting Beliefs

Think of your SM as a garden. The roses are the PBs and the weeds are the LBs. To implant a new PB, the Goal NAP will dig a small hole and implant in it the new PB. However, when you use a Cleaning NAP and tell your SM to remove any LBs, it's like uprooting weeds meaning that EVEN if you removed the weed, you have still left a hole in the garden that any weed in the wind can get into and grow.

This is what's happening with TEs when we remove LBs. The TEs fill in the hole that the LB left when the SM removed it. So you no longer have the LB in your SM but it was still replaced by something as negative... a trapped emotion. :roll:

The "Pounding Effect": The Solution To Cleaning Your SM Effectively

If you followed me, you now know that a Positive Belief raises your vibration and a negative one (Limiting Belief or Trapped Emotion) can lower it.

So our job is not only to implant PBs in our SM but also remove ALL LBs and make sure our SM removes any TEs that would like to get inside the hole left by the removal of the LB.

To do this cleaning effectively, we need to be pounding our SM with this concept of cleaning BOTH LBs and TEs and not just do it once a day because a TE can literally get inside the hole of the removed LB 1-2 minutes after you have removed the LB. :shock:

I'm not kidding, I had a pain in my shoulder and I was using the Emotion Code to remove any TEs and I could feel the pain instantly go away only to see it appear again 2 minutes later.

That's because the hole or crack in my energetic body was still there and to heal itself and close that crack, I need to make sure that NO LBs or TEs came back in it and usually after 2-3 days, the pain goes away for good because the crack has been filled.

It's like having a broken leg. You can't have a fast healing when there is dirt and sand between the 2 bones, you need to clean and clean constantly until the 2 bones fuse back together.

So this leaves us with one option which is to do a Cleaning NAP on a topic and make sure our SM will not only clean during the night when it listens to our NAP but we want it to clean and check for TEs on a minute by minute basis (Pounding Effect).

This is what the best Cleaning NAP line would be for me. If you find it too short or too long, feel free to edit it but this is based on my past experience.

"Your Subconscious Mind now removes all the regular, hidden, invisible limiting beliefs on all the sub-layers including their roots, that are stopping you from manifesting_________.

To make sure no LB and TE come back into the hole left by the removal of an LB, your SM checks every minute of the day to see if any LBs or TEs came into the hole and if so, your SM removes it too.

With this method, our SM should remove all the LBs and make sure no other LBs and TEs take their place.

If this theory is right, all the LBs will be gone and we will be able to rise in vibration, reach and maintain the vibration we want to match and then we will finally manifest our goal.

Best of luck to all... :SupNap:


Re: The Pounding Effect Cleaning NAP: LOA's last missing piece?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:46 am
by VirgoShowgirl
Starting this one tonight !

Re: The Pounding Effect Cleaning NAP: LOA's last missing piece?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:49 am
by Merlin
VirgoShowgirl wrote:Starting this one tonight !
Fingers crossed... once again. :roll:

Re: The Pounding Effect Cleaning NAP: LOA's last missing piece?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:13 am
by VirgoShowgirl
Yeah well, we’ll know soon enough if you see progress !

Re: The Pounding Effect Cleaning NAP: LOA's last missing piece?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:22 am
by Merlin
VirgoShowgirl wrote:Yeah well, we’ll know soon enough if you see progress !
True but I do it with the Emotion Code and not a NAP and I have been cleaning by thinking about it and not by telling my SM to clean on a minute by minute basis which the NAP will say.

If I would have thought about that in the first place, I might have not only cleared every single LBs and TEs but would have filled all the cracks too so that I would have nothing left to lower or maintain my low vibration and I would have risen and manifested my goal by now.

MT was telling me that I was 100% cleared tonight but that's not the case so this means that I still have either LBs or TEs maintaining the MT lies so I will not do this EC on its own for a very long time. If I don't see any improvements by the end of the week, I will start this new Cleaning NAP.

Re: The Pounding Effect Cleaning NAP: LOA's last missing piece?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:40 pm
by Fleur de Lis
Hi! Nice to see we're gonna try a new NAP here again...

I'm gonna start this Pouding Effect Cleaning NAP on the 22nd of December, in order to listen to it for the last ten days of the year 2018, and then 10 days of letting go during the beginning of 2019... Merlin, is it still correct to test it this way with the 10-10 format, or do you suggest to use another one for better results with this new type of Cleaning NAP?

Re: The Pounding Effect Cleaning NAP: LOA's last missing piece?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:57 pm
by Merlin
Fleur de Lis wrote:in order to listen to it for the last ten days of the year 2018, and then 10 days of letting go
My advice, NO LETTING GO for this one. That's why it's called the "Pounding" Effect so that we don't give our SM a break UNTIL EVERY LIMITING BELIEF IS GONE. :evil:

This NAP is pretty much the last Cleaning NAP we will ever do. If in 6 months form now we still see no differences then we might try some Letting Go and reload the NAP every 10 days or so for another 6 months and then it's total long term Letting Go by not doing any NAPs at all.