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Science is waking up

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 6:01 pm
by creative gemini
This would suggest it all starts at the DNA level...with the power and vibration of words/thoughts. So emotions may not be as important as we thought.

Wondering if this would be useful here? ... zQ5TIfICRI

Re: Science is waking up

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:26 pm
by Merlin
creative gemini wrote:This would suggest it all starts at the DNA level...with the power and vibration of words/thoughts. So emotions may not be as important as we thought.

Wondering if this would be useful here? ... zQ5TIfICRI
:shock: Wow!

Welcome back! 8-) Where you've been?

Did you get anything new from your meditations? Have you talked to your HM in the TLR yet?

For that article, yeah that's something that is not new because I talked many times about the rats experiment that implanted in their DNA the fear of flower scent created 3 generations ago.

This means that a fear about money for example from your great great grand parents can be in your DNA right now and that could be why your SM is pushing away money.

It's the same thing with other topics including health or relationships.

Re: Science is waking up

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 12:51 pm
by Merlin
Another that science is slowly catching up with the spiritual world.

It looks like Science managed to prove that our consciousness can shift to another parallel reality after death.

Good, that I already know but what they don't know yet is that our Higher Mind can also shift us there while we are alive... but science will get that.... in 2294. ;) ... jdQ_lbHV-4" onclick=";return false;